

Ante Business Incubator Park successfully passed the provincial business incubator demonstration base review

2022-07-23 10:51:12 jcadmin 1

Recently, the investigation team organized by the Human Resources and Social Security Department of Zhejiang Province, together with Chen Jun, deputy director of the Employment Service Center of Lishui Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, accompanied by Xia Hui, director of the Employment Service Center of Qingtian County, and heads of relevant departments, conducted a field visit to Ante Business Incubator Park.

Ante Instrument Group Co., Ltd.

The review team listened to the work report of the head of Ante Business Incubator Park on the construction and operation of the provincial business incubator demonstration base since it was identified, including the basic information of the business incubator park, the incubation service, the system improvement, the demonstration effect and the future planning. The review team reviewed the relevant basic work account of Ante Business Incubator Park, focusing on the construction of business incubator demonstration base, the enterprises settled in the recent three years, the successful incubation of business enterprises in the recent three years, the employment promotion, the provision of incubation services and so on.

Ante Instrument Group Co., Ltd.

The re-evaluation team paid a field visit to the Ante Business Incubator to learn about the production and operation of the enterprises in detail, the impact of the epidemic on the enterprises, the number of employment and the stability of the employment personnel.

After listening to the report and conducting field visits, the review team concluded that the development plan of Ante Business incubation Demonstration Base is clear, the incubation service is good, a number of related entity enterprises with science and technology and intelligent manufacturing as the leading industries have been formed, the construction and operation of the base have achieved remarkable results, the success rate of business incubation is high, and the entrepreneurship has promoted the number of employment. It has played a good demonstration and leading role and provided a model for the province's business incubation base.

Ante Instrument Group Co., Ltd.

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