

Vice Chairman of the Chinese Federation of Overseas Chinese, Gao Feng, visited Ante · Ni Dongfang Art Museum to investigate the development of the Qingtian stone carving industry

2023-10-26 14:53:18 jcadmin 0

Ante Instrument Group Co., Ltd.

The silver dew caresses the autumn fruits, and the golden wind continues the splendid chapter. On October 24th, as the frost fell, Gao Feng, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Federation of Overseas Chinese, visited the Ante · Ni Dongfang Art Museum to conduct on-site research on the development of the Qingtian stone carving industry. Zhuang Liping, Secretary and Chairman of the Zhejiang Provincial Federation of Overseas Chinese, Zou Zheqing, Secretary and Chairman of the Lishui City Federation of Overseas Chinese, Lin Xia, Secretary of the Qingtian County Committee, and Wang Feng, Standing Committee Member and Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Qingtian County Committee, accompanied relevant leaders.

The large landscape sculpture "Purple Qi Comes from the East" placed at the entrance of the museum allows people to understand some of the characteristics of Qingtian stone and the three main artistic features of Qingtian stone carving. Everyone was deeply attracted by the unique and exquisite carving techniques, and couldn't help but question that carving these realistic leaves requires not only extraordinary personal patience, but also extremely advanced skills.

Ante Instrument Group Co., Ltd.

Stone Appreciation Festival

Upon arriving at the original stone corridor, the leader and his group saw the dragon egg stone, which was slightly translucent with frozen light, shining like moonlight with a cold halo of light, and the grape frozen stone, which was naturally like crystal clear grapes. They all exclaimed that the Qingtian original stone was a beautiful work of art when it was not carved.

Ante Instrument Group Co., Ltd.

Ante Instrument Group Co., Ltd.

Ante Instrument Group Co., Ltd.

After learning about the original Qingtian stone, everyone came to the Oriental Treasure Hall to appreciate the works of the representative figure of Qingtian stone carving, Master Ni Dongfang. The emergence of good stone takes billions of years, and hundreds of millions of years ago, nature cleverly manipulated the resources on Earth, forming a beautiful treasure that can never wither! The gifts of nature require people who can excavate their souls and realize their value, which can be said to be indispensable in terms of timing, geography, and humanity. The works of Master Ni Dongfang showcase this bond very well. Master Ni cherishes stones and is eager to learn. He cleverly utilizes the color and momentum of Qingtian stones in his creations, skillfully grasping the balance between carving and non carving in his works. He integrates his artistic expertise with nature, achieving the state of unity between man and stone.

Ante Instrument Group Co., Ltd.

Ante Instrument Group Co., Ltd.

Qiaoshi Youqing

After the survey, Gao Feng expressed that Ni Dongfang Art Museum has demonstrated the artistic charm of Qingtian Stone culture very well. Ante Group's attention and protection of local cultural industries are admirable, and he hopes that Ante Group can continue to play its role in inheriting local culture. With the advantages of overseas Chinese hometown and overseas Chinese, using "overseas Chinese" as a bridge, Qingtian Stone Carving can be better promoted to the world, strengthening international communication, promoting cultural exchange and mutual learning, and presenting Qingtian Stone Carving as a golden business card to the world better.

Ni Dongfang's Works Explanation Video for "Three Friends of the Cold Year"

▲Dongbao Mountain Overseas Chinese Cultural and Museum Ecological City Project Promotion Video

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